Meanwhile Spaces
Meanwhile Spaces

Meanwhile Spaces

Giving our empty property spaces purpose.

At Places for London, we understand that the spaces we manage today shape the London of tomorrow. That's why we've embraced the practice of 'meanwhile use' as a core enabler of good growth in the city. 

By transforming underutilized spaces into vibrant community hubs, we're not just making the best use of land; we're fostering inclusive growth that delivers social and environmental benefits.

Overlap block

Our Strategy

Our meanwhile use strategy is deeply aligned with the Mayor’s vision for a resilient London, especially as outlined in the 'Good Growth by Design' policies and the London Plan. This approach nurtures entrepreneurship, supports start-ups, and creates places where communities thrive. From facilitating temporary public realms to boosting the viability and diversity of town centres through cultural and creative activities, we see the value of meanwhile use as extending far beyond simple economics.

Social Value

The social value generated by our meanwhile use initiatives contributes to building stronger, more connected communities. These initiatives often provide the opportunity for testing and experimenting with new uses, which can inform future permanent developments. This transitional urbanism approach ensures that the positive impacts resonate long into the future, laying the groundwork for sustainable and thriving neighbourhoods.


By fostering these collaborative and innovative spaces, Places for London is not only addressing immediate community needs but also paving the way for long-lasting, resilient urban ecosystems that reflect our dedication to social, economic, and environmental sustainability.

Case Studies

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Becoming a tenant

We invite you to become part of our estate and embark on or advance your business venture alongside us. We provide high quality business space to allow you to grow your business and we'll be there step-by-step to support you along the way.


We have a diverse portfolio that spans nearly every London borough. We’re home to businesses in our arches, in TfL stations and on London’s high streets. We have buildings that are used as workspaces and homes. We also have infrastructure and industrial assets, like our car parks and bus garages that we can upgrade or change their use to deliver more of what Londoners want and need.