

Moving London forward with thriving connected places

We are passionate to play our role rectifying the climate crisis and creating inclusive growth. We will work closely with local communities all over London, to understand and respond to their hopes and needs, creating a city where everyone can feel at home in a healthy environment.

Our Key Strategies

Promoting Vibrant and Diverse Communities

Promoting Vibrant and Diverse Communities 

Our 2030 goal

Engaging our local communities to provide dynamic, inclusive and accessible places that make a positive contribution to neighbourhoods.


Londoners benefiting from affordable housing, workspaces and businesses

Our objectives

  • Achieve our 50% affordable housing average target for proposed 20,000 new homes to help address London’s housing needs
  • Improve accessibility and inclusivity across our entire portfolio and ensure it is supportive of an accessible transport network
  • Invest £10m in incubator and grow space across multiple locations
  • Establish a systematic approach to community engagement across our portfolio by 2025 
  • Complete Healthy Streets assessments across all priority projects from 2025
  • Allocate spaces for micro or small businesses’ meanwhile uses, including 5 assets by 2025
  • Support 20,000 people with affordable 2. work zones and business support by 2030

Our Actions Over The Next 3 Years


Set our approach to deliver inclusive growth and social impact


Make access and inclusion a focus of all developments with input from access specialists from inception to buildings in use


Create a spatial plan using data and insights to diversify the business base, better understand and respond to local need, and engage communities


Take a place-based and data-driven approach to plan for local needs and opportunity for inclusive growth at each of our prominent sites


Establish a wider business support programme to include small- and mediumsized tenants and the supply chain


Identify priority projects and sites for Healthy Streets assessments


Commence a research programme to better understand Londoners’ needs and experiences, aligned to the TfL Equity in Motion plan


Establish inclusivity baseline and targets


Quantify climate risk and integrate in decision making for the existing estate

Creating Healthy Places for People and Planet

Creating Healthy Places for People and Planet

Our 2030 goal

Reducing our impact on the environment by providing healthier spaces, embracing nature and reducing energy costs for our tenants to ensure a portfolio that is fit-for the future.

Net Zero Carbon

across our operations and our head office, and set ambitious targets for all new developments

Our objectives

  • Increase urban greening and biodiversity across our portfolio, in support of the TfL Green Infrastructure and Biodiversity Plan
  • Target meeting the emerging UK Net Zero Carbon Building Standard across all new developments
  • Set our science-based carbon targets by 2025, and ensure achievement of those in the long-run
  • Quantify our value-at-risk due to climate change by 2026
  • Occupy a net zero carbon head office by 2030 
  • Reduce tenant energy use by 25% and carbon emissions by 50% by 2030

Our Actions Over The Next 3 Years


Develop a costed net-zero roadmap and set long-term emissions targets aligned with TfL’s Science-Based Target initiative (SBTi) and our Sustainable Development Framework (SDF)


Develop a framework of sustainability and accessibility measures for our existing estate


Review our development pipeline and prioritise opportunities for setting aspirational net-zero targets and standards


Establish an internal carbon price and transition funding mechanism


Develop and agree plan for a net-zero head office


Map and forecast climate risk across our estate, in collaboration with TfL


Develop an urban greening and Biodiversity Net Gain strategy, in support of the TfL Green Infrastructure and Biodiversity Plan


Complete delivery of our Net Zero Carbon retrofit pilot projects


Set measures for climate resilience and plans for high priority areas


Quantify climate risk and integrate in decision making for the existing estate

Support and Developing Local Economies

Resilient Places

Our 2030 goal

Driving inclusive growth through economic opportunity, neighbourhood investment and jobs and skills for communities in partnership with our customers and supply chain.


additional contribution to London’s economy

Our objectives

  • Engage 1,000 young people across 15 schools by 2025 through our Education Engagement Programme (EEP)
  • Increase low-carbon travel and enhance accessibility on our estate and developments to support the Mayor’s Transport Strategy
  • Measure and report our social impact and economic contribution annually, starting with 2024/25
  • Achieve 50% target for new retail and arches lettings adopting our London Lease by 2025
  • Support 5,000 Londoners into industry jobs by 2030, helping to create a workforce across our portfolio that reflects the diversity of London

Our Actions Over The Next 3 Years


Develop our Strategic Impact Framework (SIF) to measure economic contribution across London boroughs


Create a 5-year roadmap for our skills programme to extend the reach and scope to include non-construction and green skills


Establish and implement the plan to reach the London Lease target


Establish our Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Hub joint venture, ready to commence delivery.


Invest in training infrastructure


Work with partners, supply chain and customers to set and monitor targets and standards for fair employment and inclusion


Open the Seven Sisters Temporary Market


Establish a training programme to support improved diversity and inclusion across our construction sites

Sustainability Case Studies

Block Listing

Our Sustainability and Inclusivity Strategy sets out the positive impact we want to achieve, how we will deliver inclusive growth and healthier more equitable places and become a more sustainable and inclusive business.

Also find out more about


We have a diverse portfolio that spans nearly every London borough. We’re home to businesses in our arches, in TfL stations and on London’s high streets. We have buildings that are used as workspaces and homes. We also have infrastructure and industrial assets, like our car parks and bus garages that we can upgrade or change their use to deliver more of what Londoners want and need.

Design & Heritage

Our legacy of design excellence is founded on the development of strong principles. With a rich history of design, we continue to build on TfL's iconic identity and factor design and heritage in everything we build and restore.